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Welcome to Miami | Day 3

Dream about the bridegroom in a new location... Oh, I forgot to say that... I dreamed I was sleeping at home, but when I opened my eyes, I realized I had left home...

I got up at 9 a.m. this morning. At least here, I wake up early instead of five in the evening. My breakfast was delicious and served with soul. An omelet and avocado... I couldn't think of anything better than avocados...

I pulled myself together and set off to explore Miami Beach, unafraid of not having Internet access. .. And then I found the Holocaust! Auschwitz did not leave such a strong impression on me as it did on Sekerina, so I was really looking forward to seeing this place. It was the first time I had mucus... Either I became more sensitive, or I was alone and gave vent to my emotions, or I finally understood what was written on the posters and the music that was playing... ... Miami generally has a tick. Holocaust.

With emotions flowing from this place, I came across high-rise buildings and then I realized ... Now I know why my soul sings, what it craves... That's why I love New York so much.

I moved home after admiring this beautiful view. Since I was rubbing my legs, I was unable to move, so I had to use the troll (free bus). The interior has a pretty cool wooden design, reminiscent of the trolleybuses in San Francisco, but the main point is that it is free.

On the way home, we stopped at a completely different area from what I had seen before... The dirt... In my experience with ghetto areas, I've seen much worse... but this one scared me for some reason...

Afterwards, we went to Downtown and to the area where everything is painted with graffiti! The Wynwood Walls are really cool! This place really inspired me and cheered me up! You should definitely visit and purchase one of the paintings for $150,000.

We drove into Downtown with the Metroloop, another free means of transportation, to fill our souls with the art I had been missing.

My head is spinning with high-rise buildings, party ships, music, bars...


My mind wandered, can I change my ticket and leave next week? Even at this moment, I stifle thinking about this question. .. I have a feeling that I didn't see everything here, that something else should happen, and that I will remember something later.

Yet these signs... I am haunted by these signs, or I am drawn to them wherever I look... At the end of today. The band that sang (oh, this soloist, he won our hearts, I listened without taking my eyes off and I couldn't help but dance ... maybe this is a shot, but who knows) gave me a business card and the name is Anhattan...

Don't you think it sounds similar to Manhattan?

Do you believe the signs? I have to make my decision by tomorrow night. I wish you good night.


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