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I moved...

I moved to Hanoi in August of 2022. Due to the fact that this is not just a two-week vacation, but a move for an extended period, there was no opportunity to write, and there was not enough strength to do so.

Девушка смотрит на закат с коробля в Халонге

Honestly, there isn't much to report yet, since I had to deal with visa issues and obtaining working documents.

As a result of a very spontaneous decision, I found a job, bought a ticket, and left for Vietnam within one month.

Life can sometimes be filled with drastic changes, and this was the exact moment when I needed a dramatic change in my life.

In the beginning, I was interested in going to Spain, but getting the required documents was a lengthy and difficult procedure, and virtually no one cared to take on the task.

My attention then turned to Turkey... I received an offer from a small town whose name I have forgotten.

I was then recommended Vietnam by several people, and I decided to give it a try.

There was only one concern - how to pick up the cats and whether such a flight could be overcome. In consequence, the cats stayed at home, and I miss them very much.

As I was afraid of running into bad organizations during my lengthy job search in Vietnam, I decided to contact the company for assistance. Several interviews later, I received job offers in Halong, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi.

While all three companies were good, I gave my preference to the company that provided a full-time high school in Ho Chi Minh City. In the end, I arrived in Hanoi.

So far, I have not regretted my decision.

девушка смотрит в низ с высотки Лотте плазы в Ханое
Lotte hanoi

The following were the words I wrote at the end of September 2022...

There was not enough force in the typing of the emotions)

Now that August is approaching again in 2023, I'm sitting down to finish my Hanoi articles.

The nine months I spent in Vietnam led me to make the decision that this is not my country. It is impossible for me to envision my future there and I cannot even begin to imagine it...

Девушка удивленно смотрит на парней позади елки
Christmas in Hanoi

Maybe Vietnam is not so bad after all, it just has its quirks, just like any other country, quirks which I was not prepared for. I would like to point out that this was my first trip to an Asian country. Prior to that, I conquered both America and Europe. One of my biggest mistakes is to compare everything with New York City.

This post marks the beginning of a series of articles about Vietnam. I will describe my life, work, and travels in this vast country.


Written by Alina Starostina




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