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What is the process to enter an international university?

The process of entering university at my age was like this:

Throughout the summer you take lots of tests, gather tons of school documents, and you're always on the run...

Maybe it was that way, maybe not... I decided not to worry about this and went to the university that would take me right away and without exams! A university like this made me dance all summer long!

I didn't have time to consider going abroad to study, because I needed to prepare for battles, and at the time that was my top priority (oh, it was a good time).

The years have passed and a completely new era has begun. With the Internet, we have access to endless possibilities and resources that we couldn't access just a few years ago...

My inspiration for entering a university came from America, but it did not seem easy, especially if you are thinking of Harvard!

Both sounded impressive, as did the tuition fees!

I decided to give up on the Ivy League, as well as the United States (

Australia and Canada caught my eye because they were offering cheaper training costs.

Now let's start over from the title of this post!

It's the end of the school year, and you've decided to study abroad this September!

After you began to study the sites, you went into details, but it was too late...

Yes!!! You should begin preparing for admission to a foreign university a year in advance!

And keep an eye out for the letter confirming your enrollment in the program!

1. You should first choose a country where you want to study and live for at least three years if you plan to go to undergraduate school. Get to know the culture, mentality, or at least take a test, which is hard now ( but you can arrange a virtual tour).

2. Identify the field of study you wish to pursue.

3. The fun begins! An extensive and long research of all the universities and programs!

Tip: Put all the universities and colleges you're interested in on a table for yourself.

Create columns such as:

- The name of the university;

- city and country;

- program;

- the duration of the program;

- the cost of the program;

- score of a language test;

- deadline for accepting applications.

4. Choose three to five programs (you can do more, but keep in mind that each submission will cost about a hundred dollars), according to the criteria that are most appropriate for you.

5. Begin collecting documents from past educational institutions, such as diplomas and certificates. The process can take time since not all Russian universities are willing to help their students issue certificates (this is what happened to me). These documents will need to be translated and notarized.

6. Prepare for and pass a language test (TOEFL, IELTS, DET). The test isn't easy to pass, but it is possible to collect enough points to get into university. Good universities ask for IELTS 7 and above, TOEFL 100, DET 120, and above. You should rejoice if the university approves Duolingo! It will save you a couple of hundred dollars!

7. It's time to fill out the application form. Basically, you need to fill out information about yourself, your studies, and your job.

8. You may also need to upload recommendations from your teachers and principal at some universities, such as Yale)

9.Essay. Here's your chance to talk about how awesome you are, and why this university needs you. Sometimes you will have to write an essay explaining your reasons for choosing this particular institution, or why this training is so important to you.

10. Pay the registration fee and send the application after checking all documents and data.

11. Now we need to wait for the commission's letter with results. You can expect this letter at any time.

12. YAY! You have been accepted! What's next?

13. In addition to paying a deposit, you have to apply for a visa and this is another long and complicated process.

This was a mini-plan for admission abroad! I hope it helped you see that everything is possible!

Having both desire and money is the key))) If neither is available, it is time for accumulation, or for intelligence and diligence to secure a grant!!!!!

Cornell University


Written by Alina Starostina





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