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Welcome to Miami | Day 4,5

It takes at least a week to get used to it...

I probably won't want to leave already...

On the fourth day, there was nothing interesting to write about, so I relaxed instead.

But I decided to make the most of my last day.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, I started my day. The fact that I wake up early is wonderful. After buying coffee at 7-11 and picking up the Miami morning paper, I headed to the beach. I enjoyed the strong taste and boosted my English with the paper.

We enjoyed cycling after a perfect morning! I was so excited! But this wind...gosh, it was so strong that I thought I would be blown away when I was riding near the beach. However, it got more difficult when we were on the road. The wind threw me off balance. My legs hurt, I suddenly wanted to eat, and this walk became hell for me.

Finally, our two hours are over. Legs felt relieved, but the coccyx felt pain. Hungry and thirsty, we ordered food... Lunch time... I got just one huge plate, which looked like a huge rice dish, but it was actually chopped pasta.n't care, I ate it all...

I moved to Downtown after feeling like an elephant, full of strength and courage. I was haunted by the thought that I hadn't seen Little Havana. By six o'clock it was getting dark... The area isn't verpleasant,d, I've heard. However, it didn't matter... After standing in traffic jams, I reached another part of Miami. After that, I took the free metro train to the nearest stop to my destination. It was getting close to five o'clock at that point. I walked ...

Getting straight to the point was really important to me. However, there was something holding me back... Usually, I'm not scared... If only a little... Then I was really terrified... After seeing in the window of a car a gloomy black face staring at me intently, I felt uncomfortable to say the least... That's when I decided it was time to turn around.

It's not something I usually do. However, I felt compelled to go back. So I did.

After returning home at 7 pm, I walked along Miami Beach for a goodbye walk. I preferred the evening walk. I was fascinated by the Spanish shouts and Latin music coming from every corner and every bar. Two hours were spent wandering the streets with a cup of coffee and a very sweet chocolate cake.

In fact, I wouldn't mind staying here for a couple of days more...

However, I did not change my ticket. That means I have a flight to New York tomorrow.

Today, there were no signs, but yesterday, when I had to sign, they gave me a pen with New York on it! Signs...


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