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Welcome to Miami | Day 2

The next morning we woke up early... At 8 a.m. We traveled to Naples...

We stopped at Starbucks, which is so beloved in Russia. That was the first time I had blueberry porridge there. No fast food for breakfast today - I will eat right. I ate my breakfast in the backseat of the car while holding a New York Times (sign again) and a cup of coffee.

During the drive, we passed along the highway, which was surrounded by a swamp, in which birds such as vultures, kites, and so on could be observed, but I still attempted to see a crocodile there) but did not...

I was surprised to find myself in a city that reminded me of the beach version of Ithaca, where I spent my winter last year. There were similar shops, similar silence and the same old atmosphere, but not everywhere...

In addition, some streets reflected the junk spirit of the city, while others demonstrated the opposite. It pleased my eye and the camera on my non-iPhone to see chic mansions that are certainly not old-fashioned, but rather reflect the good taste and sufficiency of some residents of the city.

After exploring the city for a while, it's time for a delicious and healthy lunch. I found everything I needed for my dinner at Panera Breads. I discovered an incredibly delicious cream of broccoli soup and a sandwich with chicken and avocado that an hour later was snatched right from my hand by a hungry fat seagull, which probably doesn't scare or embarrass anyone.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable day ... There were no museums, no skyscrapers, and everything that I love and when I get to see it I feel warm ...

While walking along the Atlantic Ocean coast, I thought...

However, I am not quite impudent, complaining about something and thinking about what I would like to be doing in another city. Miami is a place where many are rushing to and dreaming about, so it's not every day you can afford to spend time there. So I walk around it whining about something else while complaining about it...

As usual, my conclusion is the same:

" Take advantage of the moment and enjoy it now"!


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