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My motivation for taking public speaking courses

While I've been thinking about speech technique classes for a long time, I wasn't able to make it a reality until the beginning of April.

I finally started in April.

Our instructor taught us how to handle our voice, how to work with it, and how to speak so people listen.

In fact, I talk a lot and often my speeches are monologues in class or dialogues when I convey my point of view during a project. I can't say they didn't listen to me.

My problems came out in the winter, when I had to record videos with reports and act like a journalist.I seem to close my voice all the time or raise it too high, which isn't very pleasant for the listener.Also, I spoke in English, which hurt even more, since the course was British, so I worked even harder on my pronunciation.

At the same time, I got in touch with a NYC acting teacher. I told him my problem, and I wanted to learn how to work with my voice. As a result of his advice, I decided I needed to learn speech techniques.

I'm a fan of live classes when they're available, so I didn't want to take online courses.

The program of the group I got into in April was structured into three steps:

- speech technique;



The first stage was learning the basics. With the help of various exercises that seemed very funny to me, we worked on breathing and intonation.

However, I had a great group, with people of all ages, and it was just the most fun and comfortable working with them.Then we had to memorize a passage by Leo Tolstoy and tell it to make sure no one fell asleep)

At the second stage, we started writing our own texts, trying to speak clearly and with no unnecessary words that make our speech hard to understand. Another important thing was breathing correctly and keeping your voice in the right timbre and rhythm.

We had a lot of fun with the third stage! We practiced speaker stands, debated, and discussed various topics you don't understand. It was a lot of work on vocabulary.

Ultimately, I really liked it.

I got better at presenting and speaking after practicing debates, properly framing questions, and answering them confidently.

Definitely a rewarding experience.

Whether you're a teacher or someone who speaks a lot, this course will help you make your speech memorable with no one indifferent to you.

So we came up with a 15-minute speech (Someday, I'll share my speech about finding one's self in this world), and after, we were asked intrusive questions. The goal wasn't just to deliver an impressive speech, but also to handle the questions.

As a conclusion, I'd like to share with you my texts that I wrote in the classroom (there were a lot, but they got lost somewhere on scraps of paper I wasn't interested in reprinting).

1. The best color is blue, prove it

This is blue

In nature, blue is the color of water and air space, which are life's main sources.

The waves, the sky, the infinity... the tranquility and peace offered by the color blue.

Regardless of the benefits and shortcomings of this color, only this color allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

When we wake up in the morning, we see the sky, which symbolizes strength and a better world after we leave.

We are able to release tension and negative emotions through the waves of the ocean.

Those are just some of the most obvious examples that contribute to the restoration of the body and subsequent inspiration.

Throughout nature, the color blue represents water and air, the main sources of life.

The color blue brings out the purest qualities in us.

It is no coincidence that the largest social networks including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, VK, LiveJournal, Tumblr, Foursquare, and many others choose blue for their designs. It is the color of intelligence.

We are drawn to the color that signifies the infinity of knowledge and being.

2) Find out how nature and man are interconnected

Humanity and nature

A person's emotions are an integral part of his or her nature, and emotions are a component of his or her mood. People are influenced by their emotions in a variety of ways, leading them to take actions of a different nature. An individual's emotional state can be triggered by external factors such as nature. The positive influence of nature on man may be noted if we consider the kind of action that brings solitude with nature, which allows a person to restore his or her inner state.

People often experience deep despair in dull and cloudy weather, or in the presence of people who cause them internal irritation.

Considering the above points, we can conclude that man and nature are closely related both internally and externally.

3) Write a story using the following words: shard, pencil, shine

According to the old saying, if it shines, it will shine.

With these words, the man decided to begin his story, holding a pencil in one hand and a piece of glass in the other, which had been formed by a glass of wine falling to the ground. It was a beautiful evening, and the drops of the red drink shimmered sweetly in the radiance of the full moon. Otherwise, none of this would have occurred...

However, like yesterday, the hotel on the edge of Colorado did not allow you to sleep peacefully, especially since the clock displayed 3 hours 43 minutes - a time that filled the room with the same radiance day after day. During this hour, one could notice pencil writing on all the walls of the room, as well as deeply carved figures on the furniture, most likely fabricated from fragments of broken dishes. There were the same numbers everywhere - 3 4 3.

Each night, the guest in this room attempted to solve the mystery and record the story in his book. Nevertheless, each attempt ended with the same result - a glass shard being embedded in the palm, and a pencil becoming stuck between the lines

"Shine - Stephen King"


There was no deep meaning to all of these tasks, but it was extremely interesting to work on them.

It is my pleasure to recommend my teacher and the school where these classes were held if you decide to take this course.

Course: Public Speaking at MSP (Moscow)

Teacher: Elena Kazakova


Written by Alina Starostina




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