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My 2021

Maaaagic mooooometns… I didn't even notice that this year had passed... Despite my lack of travel...

However, I would like to share some of the events and results of the outgoing year) after all, this is what true bloggers do on New Year's Eve.

In 2021, I turned 30 years old)) Okay, so it's not a particularly high-profile event, and I haven't yet observed any changes either.

Let's get back to the results and achievements.


I will start by sharing my college entrance, including the three schools I was accepted to. As a student, I never did well with grades or knowledge. I brought the summary into the literature lesson without trying to conceal it. All 11 grades at my school were the same -- I was the younger sister of an intelligent, diligent student, with whom I was constantly compared, easily suggesting that I was not like her). Honestly, I did not take offense to this, and I did not feel compelled to take on the role of a C-grade student. Since I knew my family would not be surprised by my poor grades at home, I was not worried about being punished. Because I didn't believe grades were a true indication of my knowledge, I didn't even try to get good grades. I also spent most of my college time worrying about where I could find money to pay for the next battle or exam. In the end, I got my degree in environmental engineering and exhaled with joy, since all those years of study were hell for me. My parents, who decided where I would go to university, are not to blame for my situation. Without them, I would not have a diploma and could not attend college this year. Without being assigned to a new school, I would never have become a dancer nor would I have learned what it means to be Girl Bdash). After grade 11, I knew where I wanted to go, but it was so expensive I didn't even express my desire (although now it seems that I could take out a loan to pay for my education, but who knew that back then) ... I wanted to study at the State University of Management at the faculty of the RMA as a director - clip maker. The thought never crossed my mind again...

There is no more prehistory!

I visited Cornell University in 2017, meet students, learn about their admission histories, become inspired by the American education system, and consider enrolling in a foreign university for the first time.

A pandemic breaks out in 2020. I start researching universities in different countries while taking courses online from Australian universities. At this point, I realize I would want to study in another country, but offline.

After taking a language test, writing essays, and applying, I find out in May that I have been accepted to two colleges in Canada and one in England.

In September, I should have already started studying in Canada, but as you could understand, I didn't get there in time.

My place was moved to the next academic year by a friendly commission so that I wouldn't have to pay exam fees and fees again. But currently, entry into Canada is not allowed.

During my interview in London, the school had told me that I might not take the IELTS, which I thought was really nice.

2021 was the year where I entered a foreign university all by myself, and with my own strength and knowledge! I am extremely proud of myself!

Perhaps I achieved this result mostly because I really wanted to go there.


Another great achievement this year was learning German!

In the past few years, I have tried to learn this language myself using a variety of manuals and online resources. Now I am studying with an Austrian tutor and I really like the language I am learning, and even more, I like the way I can understand and speak it slowly).


My third achievement is emotional calmness and letting go of eternal grudges. After many years of trying to figure out what and why I just don't care anymore). I just love krump madly and I am thankful that I was a part of the most interesting stage in krump history. I am grateful for every Krumper who came into my life, and for those who remained or reappeared. Resentment is a terrible feeling that eats you from the inside and haunts you, but I felt relief and freedom after letting it go. My psychotherapist was probably the key:)


The fourth achievement is work

Having lovely students around me, both in dancing and in English, makes my job worthwhile. No more doing jobs I don't like! My students inspire and charge me, but I never talk about it. As a teacher, I won't call everyone bunnies and hug them every 5 minutes, I won't admit that I watch their videos and save them to assess their progress later. I won't say in front of everyone that I love them. Each postcard, paper, and gift I received from a student I studied with is kept in my collection. Okay, now everyone knows about it) Yes, I'm very sentimental and vulnerable))

In addition, thanks to my college entrance, I began drawing again. This has become an additional part of my job so far, but I am enjoying it. During this year, I have made orders for fashion cartoons, as well as full-scale illustrations of backgrounds for a foreign company).

My job now is dancing, English, and illustration. And I'm madly into each of them!


I should have written 'visit 12 countries in a year' here as the fifth achievement.

However, here I will just write

Catch a moment - the words I used to use to describe life, but had forgotten. Life was often lucky for me, as I always happened to be in the right place at the right time... moment


Take advantage of the moment

Your life may be changed by this moment!


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