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How to read more books

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If you are on this page, then you may be suffering from a lack of reading time or you might be seeking some life hacks that would increase your daily reading.

Since I won't say anything new, I want to upset you.

I find reading to be an active activity that requires patience, great desire, and most importantly, a habit that I've developed for a very long time (perhaps this is only about me; there are those who read without stopping in childhood, which I am not).

Firstly, let me give you some background information on my life... When I was a child, I preferred to run around the street instead of reading. Reading books usually caused me to fall asleep quickly.

Here are a few books that I could read at any time of the day:

1)The first one is Harry Potter, of course;

2)Charmed. In addition to the series, which I loved very much, I also read books about three sisters;

3)Stephen King's Pet cemetery kept me awake because it was scary;

4)Well, and I read a series of books called The Stones of Fatima, after which my family mocked me because my tastes did not coincide with theirs.

Afterward, I did not share my reading preferences with anyone).


Not much reading was done... Until one day, when I set another new goal requiring that I have read a long list of books.

As a result, I delved into the world of reading, which filled me with pleasure and did not put me to sleep.

There were a number of advantages I discovered, and the first is probably the most important for my work.

Excellent imagination.

I can't say I didn't have it before, just the same it was quite good, but with reading it became stronger and better.

My imagination is what helps me in my dance performances, it is this imagination that makes me feel as if I were transported into a world in my head as I dance, my imagination also makes me able to play the character I have established for myself, through imagination...

The second important aspect was vocabulary and sometimes beautiful speech (I don't always speak the right way, and I do it deliberately to add flavor to my stories). Increasingly, public speaking, or just small talk, has become more colorful as imagination has developed.

My introduction is now over, and I will move on to the heading.


The most important thing is to develop a habit, and then you won't even notice that you go with a book to your reading corner.

I'm a girl - a schedule! I just can't stand it when things don't go according to my plan, or when my pre-planned affairs go astray.

You can read about how I plan my time here post

As well as reading...

Schedule, consistency, habit - and you are already a bookworm, spending all your extra money on books).

1. Everyday reading

I have a reading time every morning from 10 to 11 a.m., during which no one or nothing should interfere.

You can begin by reading for 30 minutes a day. It depends on the individual.

2. Check out audiobooks

Again, this is a matter of habit. Audio formats aren't for everyone, and I wasn't drawn to them immediately. However, they allow you to master two more books per month.

3. Create a mood

It's impossible for me to read a book lying on a chair, in the kitchen... A place where I would feel comfortable and which would allow me to read is what I need. I recommend you find it in your house.

4. Tracking

In my own experience, I have found it enjoyable to track my reading progress. Basically, I read ten percent of every book every day. I update my results at the end of the day and I feel great. Especially if the planned monthly sheet is nearing completion.

5. Notes, markups, quotes

The paper version of a book in my hands will most likely have folded leaves, stickers, and lines outlined with a pen.

Everything is much simpler in electronic form - you simply select the text.

As I read, these five points are very important to me. I have perfected my reading skills through consistency.


Finally, I'd like to share with you where I read and what applications I use.

Types of formats:

The book version (which I buy in different stores and places. I can buy in a fancy store or buy an old one on the street near a station)

- electronic version and audio books (I buy from Liters. I like the application and selection)

- English books (I mostly purchase them abroad, where they are considerably cheaper, or I order them on the Internet. The last time I purchased it in Chitai-Gorod)

Apps and sites


This is a great site and application, you can follow your reading progress easily.


For those who enjoy reading, it would be like a social network. Also, you can create your own shelves, add friends, and keep up with news in the book community.

Reese's Book Club

Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite actresses. It's impossible to miss her book club!


You can open many different clubs here on a wide range of topics. You can join them, meet new people, and condemn the books you like.


Whenever I read a book, I take notes, quotes, and comments in Notion. You can download a copy and use it for good)


That's all from me! Thanks for reading!

We appreciate your likes and shares if this article was helpful to you) Written by Alina Starostina @girlbdash_klava @klava_paradise @klavamagazine


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