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How to prepare for the Duolingo English Test (DET)

The first thing that comes to mind when you mention Duolingo is a cute green owl that teaches you basic knowledge of the language through the app.

However, if we look at DET, we will find a yellow owl there, which will introduce us to the rules of behavior on the online test, and then the time will count down... During each task, you will be given no more than 5 minutes, and a number of tasks will be given to determine your language level!

While it may seem easy at first glance, not everything can be so simple, so without proper preparation, the test may fail.

Yes, I forgot to mention that with the advent of the pandemic, most American, Canadian, and Australian universities began to use this test instead of TOEFL and ILETS. Who would have thought that DET results can be used to apply to Yale University and other Ivy League universities.

You can find the institute by following the link:

So, how do you prepare for this test?

Practice test

I advise you to take a trial test on DET's website first.

It will take 15 minutes of your time and show a variety of questions similar to those on the real test.


I only discovered this site recently, but it was a great preparation tool for me.

You can find almost all of the types of questions on the site that you will encounter on a real test. You will gain a better understanding of the tasks by using this platform.

For a fee, the site will provide correct answers, which is not available in the free version.

Also, there you have a countdown, which brings you closer to the reality of the test.

Also, the same site offers a chat in telegram.

Everyone shares their experience, answers questions, helps with preparation, and so on.

It is a godsend to have this chat.

English Teacher Luke

In this channel, teacher Luke explains every assignment in detail and shows the layout of the answers.

I found this channel very helpful for practicing oral answers and written answers.

Teacher Sally: Academic English Tips and Practice

Sally's teacher explains the process of preparing for certain tasks in the same way that Luke does.


This site allows you to practice c - tests and dictation.

Ответы - рассуждения

I began searching for answers online when I became overwhelmed with some questions and statements. Here are a few sites where I researched the essay.


Those who want to study and work abroad will definitely find the Duolingo Test to be a great opportunity.

I found the following advantages to myself in this test:

1. Price. It costs only 49 dollars to take the test.

2. Time. It takes only 60 minutes to complete the test.

3. Availability. The exam can be taken seven days a week at your convenience from the comfort of your home.

When taking the test, you need to keep in mind that a number of rules can be violated purely by chance, resulting in a failure.


Best of luck to everyone!

Much love, Klava.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about this test - just send me a message and I will share my experience.

Telegram Chat for everyone who wants to take a test and need a DuolingoMate)

Write to Instagram

Feeling nervous about speaking English in front of others? Want to practice your speaking skills? This chat is for you!

We'll discuss a variety of topics with only audio messages.

You won't be stressed, you won't see videos and you won't attend live sessions.

Nevertheless, you will be practicing to speak with others.

We'll be chatting through Telegram.

Let's grow up together! Join us)


Written by Alina Starostina





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