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Financial Aid from Coursera.

We live in a time when studying has long existed, both offline and online. Now you can find many educational platforms on the Internet that help you get a new or additional education at the highest level. There are both Russian and foreign sites. One of the most popular is Coursera, which has earned a place in the niche of this industry.

Personally, I can't say that this is my favorite platform, I am more inspired by Future Learn, which has earned my love not only with its user-friendly interface and learning scheme but also with a very interesting number of programs presented on it.

However, today we will talk about something else…

Coursera offers us a wide range of certification and diploma programs, but as you should expect, you have to pay for everything good.

And Coursera here is no exception…

But do not be upset if there is no money for the program of your dreams…

Take a closer look and find one small phrase that will help you get a certificate for FREE. Financial Aid.

I must say right away, not all programs provide financial aid, so if you don't find this phrase, I'm sorry... You will have to pay)



Click the "Financial Aid Available" button and this window will open for you.

In the first two squares, check the boxes.

In the last section, write: "I agree to the terms above"

Click Continue.


Educational Background - choose your highest level of education here.


Annual Income - here we write "0"


Employment Status - at this point, it is better to choose "student". Students almost always have no extra money, since all the money goes to study. If you are unemployed, there must be a good reason why you are not working.


How much can you afford to pay?

Write "0"


Why are you applying for Financial Aid? (150 words minimum required)

Here you need to collect your thoughts and clearly state why you are applying for financial aid, why you need this course, why you want to take it, why you do not have money.

I want to pay attention to the fact that it is very important to write your answer in the size of 150 words at least!


How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words minimum required).

Here you need to report how this course will help you in further work or with admission to any university. Describe in detail everything that you will receive after completing this program. Again, in the size of 150 words.


Would you consider using a low-interest loan to pay for your courses?

Choose -No


If you answered no, please help us understand why.

Here you can briefly explain why you can't get a loan. You can write that you already have one, or you do not have the opportunity to invest at the moment.


We confirm that we are not a robot and click" Submint"

The result of your application will be sent to your email in 15 days.

Good Luck!


Written by Alina Starostina





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