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E-learning platforms

Today I will share with you the platforms that I liked for learning online. On the Internet, you can find a wide range of courses on any topic that interests you. In addition, you may benefit from receiving a certificate that may help you in the future to get a job in a new specialty.

In fact, I am very opposed to online learning, I value face-to-face contact, live interaction, so the majority of the specialties I am interested in, I hesitate to take online, but I am eager to see them in a real classroom)


Future Learn was a great discovery for me! There are many interesting courses, certificates, and diploma programs on their website, a lot of which are related to creativity, design, and languages, which inspired me greatly. The interface is easy to use, and the material is provided in high quality with a folded system for easier understanding. The platform definitely takes the top spot!

The courses are held in English. The certificate can be obtained by paying a fee. The price depends on the program.


Coursera is an extremely popular platform for learning, so it cannot be ignored. I have used it and continue to use it. My favorite feature about this platform is the ability to receive financial assistance for obtaining a certificate. I saved at least $1,000 by using the cursor.

It is possible to take a course without a certificate for free, or you can still get it for a certain fee. Find out how to get financial aid here>>> Financial aid


During the next platform, I was hooked, well, first of all, by the prices. There are no free courses here, but the cost of courses begins at 20 euros, which is a very reasonable price. There are both text-based (my first course consisted only of text and tests), and video-based (my second course was entirely video-based). Pass 80% of the program, and do not fail verification tests in order to receive a certificate. The variant does not work here. You will only get one chance to pass the test on this platform.

After completing the course, you will receive a digital certificate with accreditations (Accreditation data for my specialty was suitable for everyone). A fee will be charged if you enter the paper version.


There are a lot of other free and paid educational platforms on the Internet besides these three. However, until I have tried them, I won't write about them... Yes, and these three will be enough for you to begin learning your new profession.


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Written by Alina Starostina


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