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Dance videos you can watch endlessly.

Do you have a video that you watched and then went back to the beginning and repeated a bunch of times?

I do have ...

Most of them are already outdated, but this does not bother me, they remain my favorites for all the years.

I will never forget my first Battlezone on the stage, 2013 it seems ...

It was then that two choreographers presented themselves to my gaze: Brian Puspos and Ian Eastwood! I was so thrilled, I had never seen anything like that

(at that time I was only in krump).

Their performance inspired me to do choreography in the future!

After that day, I began to closely follow them and they will start my list of the favorite videos)


Brian Puspos

Ian Eastwood


After I found out about these guys, I decided to go to Fair Play to see more choreographers

like them.

I started researching all the tops and then I found him ... and this video ...

Kyle Hanagami


Randomly I meet with Paradox, and this video I watched a million times !!!



This dancer inspires not only with dance but also with style !!!


Read the interview with Flockey :


Neither he nor this video I can mention.

How much truth is in every movement !!!!

Zacc Milne



Keone and Mari

And my favorite video from them!


I truly admire her and her dancers !!!

And the show of her team, it was the best show that I have seen in my life, and which even caused me tears of happiness)

Parris Goebel


These were videos that I can watch on replay endlessly !!

I understand that everyone has their tastes and preferences !!

And here you saw mine)

Much love, Klava






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